buddha point

buddha point
as the day fades.....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

As I said bye!

It was one of the Sundays; the sun greeted me with a warm hello from my window but I greeted back with a frown and asked him to leave.

God knows for how long did he stay staring at me. I could feel his presence but I was busy with somebody else, I was with sleep. When sleep finally left I missed sun and felt bad for being so hostile to him because he was my best friend ever. I wanted to say him sorry!

I got up gingerly and walked to the window, opened it, wind was passing by but was in a hurry so after a brisk meeting he too left. He mentioned that sun was heading for his home and he would absolutely understand me. I looked for sun, there he was,far far away, about to fade. I wished he could hear my plea but he was too far away to hear me or even notice my presence.

With hopes to meet him I grabbed my jumper and ran for him. I could make out that he wasn’t happy because the stride he took were of giant leaps as if he wanted to get out of this place soon as he could.....

I finally caught him near the hill and was happy because he looked at me with the same zeal he did in the morning. How I missed his warmth and the comfort! I wanted him to stay back for I knew after his departure, the cold dark windy night would come whistling and penetrate my bones making me cold. But I could not.......

As if he read my mind he said, “Worry not my dear for am coming back tomorrow again but for now I must go.”

There was nothing I could do because something’s are never meant to be. I knew he would keep his promise so I did let him go and this time, with a smile.