buddha point

buddha point
as the day fades.....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

When the heaven cries, I drink

The heaven was breaking loose the down pour in the month of March, isn’t it supposed to be spring?

It brought back the chills in Thimphu, people scurried while some watched the drops fall from the sky and break into thousand smaller water droplets on hitting the ground. The down pour tempted me to run away from the office, probably to a place to warm myself.

There was no running anyway, so back to my chair I return folding my arms hoping to survive till the damned office clock struck 5.30 pm and I could finally raise my middle finger and tell them “HAVE THIS”

Office staffs were anxious and the look on their face screamed they shared my thoughts too. I smirked within and joined them in the wait which felt like forever.

After ages, I was on the street, the rain drops hitting on me like I have abandoned them with my kids. The rain first wet my clothes and then my inner wears too.

It was the first walk in the rain after my college days and it stirred all the memories that had settled down with years. Suddenly and idea struck me....Why not re-live the college days?

For that, to get drunk is the first criterion so I change my course and head for Chopstick. On reaching there, I realize I am not the only one tempted by the rain. Is this rain evil?

Nope, it just is a reminder, reminding us the way we live our lives. The rain comes as a saviour to open our eyes, wetting everything around and telling us, when it rains, there is nothing better than the liquor, it is a cherry on top...ha... ha... ha...

Two pegs of whiskey down the throat warmed everything, I was wet but a happier person by then...I headed home again in the rain but this time, rain was gentle on me....the hits no more made a difference.

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