buddha point

buddha point
as the day fades.....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What if?

What if, there were no animals to compare humans to.
Swift as a deer,  strength of an ox, wise as owl, heart of a lion, coward-chicken, cunning-fox, curiosity-cat, pride-peacock,  and so on...Why does it have to be compared with animals to tell what human beings are. Can´t a person be just brave or wise or beautiful for who they are?
On second thought, who have actually concluded that deer is the swiftest animal in the animal kingdom, or ox the strongest. There are other animals more swift and stronger than these animals right?
Or does it mean that every individual has an animal instinct or a character?
I sometimes wonder if there were no basis for comparision then, what would people be compared to. To nature? Nah...there is this evergreen thing again!
What if...what if...what if...

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